25 February, 2008

Weekend Trainings !!

How may times have you been asked to work on a Saturday / Sunday ? Many might say "many a time" ... and if you were in IT you are probably doing that anyway. How about attending a training programme on the weekend ?? Good thought ? especially when you cannot afford to lose precious billable time...I was in one such the other weekend .. a full 2 days training on Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People . I think it was a good one, especially considering the fact that it's straight common sense and as he rightly puts it 'uncommon practice'... I did not have to learn anything new...but each of the 7 habits has an underlying set of paradigm, principles and processes which makes things look structured. This is not done yet...there is an 8th habit too. One of the task for this week is to write up my life' 'mission statement' ... that's uphill, but at least i need to start.
The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. -B.B King
It's a Monday and it usually comes with a vengeance, thankfully today was not the usual. I have to get a goodnight' sleep to wake up at 4 tomorrow. I will be in NJ and SC over the next 2 days....au re·voir from STL !!

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