28 February, 2008

" The Ground Crew is busy at Lunch"

The other morning a couple of days back , it was quite windy and visibility was zilch, when the flight to EWR took off from Lambert International....It was close to 20 F and they had already de-iced the plane...it was an AA flight...little did I know what was in store the next 10 minutes... the plane started drifting to the left as soon as it budged and we could feel the pilot struggling to keep things under control...not to mention all the odd jerks and sways ... boy ! that was the worst 10 minutes of my life in air. Things were literally bright and sunny by the 11th minute, when we broke out of those thick clouds......I was happy to land at EWR albeit we were delayed by about 15 mins....for the next 10 minutes we were going no where but the Pilot seemed to enjoy taxi-ing until he brought the vehicle to a halt....and then we were informed that we were kept at the "holding area" and had to wait still longer till we could hit the gates...the reason : " The ground crew having the lunch of their lifetime"...well, that was 'indigestable' food for thought for me , but everyone else in the flight seemed to be able to digest what they just heard...or perhaps they were pretending to be so...not a single sigh from anyone ! American Airlines can sure do much more than that . I am not sure if this is commonplace , but that was truly an irresponsible airline !!

1 comment:

Mad Max said...

hey ajith...welcome to blogosphere...hmm that was really funny...well AA seems to have its share of problems...u must have read about the lady who died en route to new york becoz the cabin crew failed to respond in a timely and proper manner (well that was my interpretation atleast)