24 February, 2008

The Oscars and all the Gliterrati !!

It's once again the time of the year for the Oscars...Thank the script writers for that...else it would have ended up like the guild awards a month back...a 30 min affair !! I heard that a French someone won the 'best actress' award....félicitations !! I thought I would sit in front of the boob tube, but you know what...I did have something else to work on...I have started going to the gym !! yes, that's true !! In fact it's the second day at the community gymnasium....am still trying to figure out the weird looking metal thingummies....for now I am OK with the fact that I walked a mile at 6 Miles/hr and the machine said that my average heart rate was 165 ... is that a good thing ?? All I know for now is that I did not get anywhere walking the mile...well, time to check my mails , dinner and offshore calls :-) good bye and have a great week ahead !!

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