14 April, 2008

Why buy when you can steal ?

After staying for over 2.5 years at this community

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with nearly no big trouble , last Thursday my car was broken into by some vandal who was after the GPS inside. I wish he had come in person and asked for it rather than have me go through the pain of getting everything fixed, not to mention calling the cop, the insurance company and the car rental guys....I was numb for a while after seeing this and then my emotions turned to anger and frustration and then when everything sunk, I thought it was just another day in life....someone must have thought that I had too much money to dispose of and not too much work to do anyway ...so he really did a good job of making me run around with a hole in my pocket. 2008-04-13 001 (9)

That petty thief was perhaps a manifestation of what we all perhaps must have secretly nursed at least once in our lives....just that it turns bitter when you are at the receiving end of the perpetrators' pranks. There is something thrilling about stealing, for that matter to do anything without detection. No wonder someone said, what you do when you are not seen reveals your character in general. There is that extra kick which we get out of being secretive. Why is the trophy more cherished when it is stolen / filched than when bought or borrowed. Well, if you are not caught, it's technically yours, unless proved otherwise. I believe there is a thief in all of us.

Then there are different ways of stealing...each in a class / plane of it's own. From Makkan-Chor-Krishna to big modern day nations who attack others for no reason , thus stealing the basic right to a peaceful life....From the marauding Genghis Khan to the next door average Joe, who steals a look at your pretty girl friend ... From day light robberies to midnight murders...call it plunder, pilfer, steal, rob, nobble, defraud, short-change, swindle, rip or gazump ... the underlying principle is the same...quick easy way to your goal usually incurring intentional loss to someone else on your way.

So...in a world of pirated software, freely downloadable MP3s, dictators with no respect for freedom, terrorists who do not love life and fake God-men thriving on mass gullibility...there is always the factor of 'STEAL' . My small GPS gadget or the car window glass fades in front of these atrocities. I am happy I am alive with the freedom to think and act as I do.......how long is the question ??

Redskins 001Stealing the thunder elsewhere as usual is big Mallya...he likes big things, doesn't he ?? Beer, Boeings, Big wheels and now Booster bimbos ...The Redskins cheerleaders are supposedly coming to India at Mallya's behest to egg on the Bangalore Royal Challengers. That I am sure would be feast for the Bangalore masses. Wonder who would come up with the idea of Mumbai Eunuchs cheering for his / her team .. pretty soon I guess. Redskins 002Being a member of the cheerleading squad is not an easy thing...it usually involves a strict regimen and takes a lot of discipline to keep your body and spirits just perfect...ask my neighbor's daughter, she was one for 4 years.

Talking about cricket, India had a farcical victory against RSA at Kanpur ... thanks to the curator, the test as over in 3 days....but then the home team should have some advantage, right ?

That's it for now...oh by the way I am officially out of AB...now warming my butt at home, working on a few things for the next one.

Good bye and Happy Vishu to all the Mallus out there !!

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