06 April, 2008

Mugabe, Mosley , Martin , Mahatma & Mandela

'Change' as they say is inevitable. It's change that shapes our world and everything in and out of it. From the days you were a foetus to the day in the coffin and after, if there will be one thing in common, it's 'Change' . Men and woman who crusade against constancy are often the movers and shakers of this world - from the nursery teacher in Morocco , fighting for the girl child to the world police in Washington DC - the rest of us will follow and adapt until the next purgatory wave of change or simply attain sainthood !

After 28 years , it's time for change in Zimbabwe...Robert Mugabe must go ! He is not the same person who ushered in 3 decades back , some hope for Africa. His intoxication with power has left him blind to the sufferings of millions. For all we know the recount will reinstate the authoritarian leader back.

Formula1 is seeing some change with a new breed of champions emerging. Kubica became the first pole on pole ever and even finished third to be on the podium alongside Kimi and Massa. BMW is taking it to Ferrari and Mclaren. Another point of contention this week in Formula1 was it's boos Max Mosley. I don't care if he had sex with 5 or even 10 hookers in whatever 'role play' style....that's something very personal to him...unfortunately he could not keep it private and the moralisers are after his blood. Renunciation takes great moral strength!
On the other end of the spectrum, we have the likes of MLK , Mahatma & Mandela who were powerful forces of change in their own right. These men of solid conviction could move masses without uttering a word. The world renewed it's memories of Dr.King on his 40th death anniversary last week .. it's only fitting that he and Mandela were influenced by Gandhi. They are the liberators !
Talking of change , I read last night about Boeing testing their new Hydrogen cell powered airplanes ... would you trust one in your life time to fly you 10,000 miles ?? Fuel costs are driving change everywhere : for good, like increased lookout for alternatives and for bad, when companies go belly-up...Last week atleast 3 airlines in the US have filed for bankruptcy and AlItalia' ex chairman said 'only an exorcist can save it' .
One information company that is changing it all is Google. That's nothing new... but how many of you were ready for the April Fools Day prank....not 1 but 2 this time. Virgle, jointly with maverick Richard Branson to set up a permanent settlement on Mars and the custom time for your G-mails....If you missed the one in 2007 , it was about the Toilet Internet Service Provider leveraging the hydraulic data transmission capabilities of your local municipal sewage system ( sic ) !
There is change on personal front too: I will be moving of St Louis after 31 months to take up a position in Greenville, SC.
Adiós amigos...Tenga una gran semana !

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